Monday, 18 July 2011

Backing panels attached

Today I trimmed and attached the panels, leaving a hole to spray in the expanding foam. I attached the panels with a gap of the panel depth, the reasoning behind this will become clear later on. I used a variant of "No More Nails" to attach the panels.
After the panels dried in place I sprayed the whole can of expanding foam into the gap. In hindsight I should have only used half the can, as I had to clean a lot that kept coming out as it expanded.
I'm quite pleased with the end result, it sounds solid when you knock on the panels.


Friday, 15 July 2011

Started outlining the backing

Today I started outlining the backing of the shield. I decided to use some cheap cladding panels for the back. These are going to be stuck to the inside the of rim, and then I'll fill the cavity with expanding foam.
Stay tuned.
